
Computer Lab

The information technology is the need of the present time. Thus college provides computer facilities and internet services to all the trainees, students & staff members. The students use information technology extensively in their day-today activities and both academic & non academic areas. The laboratory is well equipped with best configuration of systems and with internet connectivity (100 mbps) to all the computers of the laboratory.

Psychology laboratory-- The College has well established psychology laboratory with large number of national and international psychological instruments & standardized tests related to adjustment, intelligence, interest, personality & other psychological variables.

Educational Technology AND LANGUAGE laboratory

Well established educational technology laboratory with modern technologies - LCD, OHP, slide projector, computer, Radio, Television, Models, Charts and other Audio-visual facilities.

Science Lab

To provide students & Teachers an opportunity to gain practical knowledge. College established science lab. In this lab modern & updated instruments are available for students.

Psychology laboratory

Psychology laboratory-- The College has well established psychology laboratory with large number of national and international psychological instruments & standardized tests related to adjustment, intelligence, interest, personality & other psychological variables.

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